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Mobile Application Testing

Complete testing coverage for iOS and Android​


Built for mobile apps

As organizations increasingly provide mobile applications to enable their remote workforce and boost productivity, their security teams must ensure the safety and integrity of these mobile devices, apps and data. With the rapid and expanding use of mobile apps in the workforce, comes an extended attack surface for cybercriminals to potentially access.

Mobile risk assessments discover and examine all assets within your mobile devices and applications to expose vulnerabilities and threats that may jeopardize data security or performance.

mobile license overview

A single pane of glass view

Edgescan Mobile expands its industry leading vulnerability assessment and penetrating testing capabilities into mobile environments, providing complete testing coverage for iOS and Android. Using our unique hybrid approach provides automated vulnerability intelligence coupled with validation and human expertise, we test all relevant mobile components and provide the results in the Edgescan platform with an intuitive ‘single pane of glass’ view.

How the process works:

Increased coverage.
High accuracy.
Fast remediation.

Features and benefits:

Discover and examine all assets within your mobile devices and applications

mobile license singe vulnerability


Edgescan Mobile Assessment is a subscription-based service and includes the following capabilities: